Music, Alternative Medicine, Chinese Gong Fu

Iah is simply a space where you can access knowledge and methods of health and wellbeing on all three levels of the body, mind and spirit. The methods to healing and wellbeing may differ but it is all the same; created by one inspiration originated from one intention, led through one willpower, guided through one wisdom and effortlessly connecting to love and wholeness. The aim in Iah is to share and transmit these methods through simplicity and humility. Integrating a few disciplines towards better understanding of our micro universes, harmonising with nature, and manifesting our roles in the community.

Bodywork Therapy is the art of connecting to relieve blockages through various techniques and tools. Bodywork helps the receiver to allow their awareness to flow in places that has been disconnected from their experience for various causes. Life happens as a result of the relationship between interior and exterior. IAH's approach is to discover cause and effect behind pain and ailments in the body, the method is applied accordingly so it differs from case to case.
Thai Massage Therapy is applied through sen sib theory, ten main energy lines that are manifested in our tendons. Thai massage includes the opening of wind gates and acupressure.
Traditional Chinese Energetics is applied through resonance techniques. Five movements theory is the foundation of this method is IAH's approach.
Foot Reflexology is also one of the methods approaching the body through the feet. The feet are a map to the whole body.
Gua Sha is an ancient tool used in Chinese and Thai medicine more than 4000 years ago, to help release toxins from the body including excess heat cause by emotions or weather conditions.

Wudang Neijia refers to the three internal martial arts styles practised at Wudang, Xingyi Quan, Taiji Quan, Bagua Zhang. It's Iah's aim to pass on these practises which are considered to be a doorway to greater wisdom. Within the beginner lessons that we offer you will be able to train your awareness on body mind coordination, inner strength and flexibility
Footwork, kicks, stretching, power manifesting and basic stances are all exercises to invest our time and effort in.

Focus on the present moment. Among its many benefits, this class helps improve numerous aspects of your life including reaction time and short term memory. Those who have tried this practice have described feeling more relaxed and less distracted by their fleeting thoughts, demonstrating an enhanced ability to solve problems and recall information better.

Focus on the present moment. Among its many benefits, this class helps improve numerous aspects of your life including reaction time and short term memory. Those who have tried this practice have described feeling more relaxed and less distracted by their fleeting thoughts, demonstrating an enhanced ability to solve problems and recall information better.

Muaythai Chaiya is an ancient thai boxing art that uses the limbs as weapons, emphasizing on the use of elbows and knees. We offer a beginner's class for those who want to explore the basics of this blazing traditional martial art. Warming up, basic stepping, kicks, punches, elbows and knees are all aspects of this class.

This popular class is based on the belief that mental and physical health are interrelated, and should be conditioned together. All of the classes at Iah attempt to coordinate breathing and physical movement, improve focus and concentration, and help participants regain control of their body and mind.

“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
Lao Tzu